Once again this year I was invited to take part in the Letterpress Workers International Summit in Milan organise by NovePunti. This time taking place in the Macao social centre it brought together a fantastic group of print makers from all over the world and I was honoured to print beside them for a week.
Theme – A matter of tongue
“The second edition of LPW will take place in Macao, a new art and cultural center. In the same building, no more than 20 years ago, there was the municipal slaughterhouse, the biggest in the North of Italy. Around it there are yet the municipal fish market and fruit and vegetables market. They serve thousands of people everyday from everywhere.
In this historical moment, when everyone speaks about the Market, we are in the centre of it! But we have food around, the most universal language in the world. LPW is an event where designers can share their print knowledge. Why don’t share also our food traditions?
Think that you are the owner of a small stand in a street market. What do you want to sell? Which recipes are going to prepare? In which way do you communicate? Take your grandmother’s recipe book, we are hungry…”

Thomas Gravemaker (TomScot, NL)
John Cristopher (Flowers and Fleurons, UK)
Pete Burke (University of Copenaghen, NL)
Armina Ghazaryan (Formapparatus, BL)
Beatrice Bless (New North Press, UK)
Jens Hansen (Letterpress, DK)
Thomas Siemon (Carpe Plumbum, DE)
Alejandra Portilla, Edgar Paniagua (30 Dedos, MX)
Tiny Risselada (Letterpers, NL)
Yago Bolivar (Familia Plomez, ES)
Anne Marie Koper (Intranslation, NL)
Sander Pinkse (Boekproductie, NL)
Olof Gardasdottir (Reykjavik Letterpress, IS)
Apmub (Apmub, POR)
Lucio Passerini (Il Buontempo, IT)