A key aspect of the LPW events has always been the coming together of many people from different cultures and the sharing of a common aspect, Letterpress Printing. Reflecting on our different backgrounds the theme this year was Folk Music. In the spirit of music we collected into groups and this year produced a collaborative book.

Anne Marie Koper (NL) Sander Pinkse (NL) Thomas Gravemaker (NL) Tiny Risselada (NL) Mirthe Blussé (NL) Marc Berger (DE) Thomas Siemon (DE) Armina Ghazaryan (BE) Stephane de Scheverel (BE) John Cristopher (UK) Pete Burke (UK) Mark Pavey (UK) New North Press (all!) (UK) Justin Knopp (UK) Pat Randle (UK) Nick Loaring (UK) Jens Jorgen Hansen (DK) Olof Gardasdottir (IS) Joao APMUB (?) (PT) Yago Bolivar (ES) Christian Granados (ES) Arcangela Regis (ES) Jesus Morentin (ES) Edward Johansson (FI) Federico Cimatti (AR) Jamie Murphy (IE) Ola Lindgren (SE) Dafi Khune (CH) Lucio Passerini (IT) Libri Finti Clandestini (IT) Marco Brunello (IT) Serileo (IT) Novepunti (IT) &type (IT)