One of the things that I identified earlier in the project was making tools that are accessible. Not everyone has access to a 3D printer, or to the printing presses required to use the 3D printed blocks. With that in mind I experimented with different physical ways I can create tools for people to use. In this experiment I created stencils and stamps.

Above are two different laser cut stencils to be used with a pen or pencil.

Here I have assembled my stamps by gluing laser cut rubber to laser cut acrylic components.

The use of the stamps has definitely been enjoyable – the act of inking up, considering it’s placement and then making an impression is very meditative and as good example Active Experimentation and Abstract Conceptualisation. However the production of the stamps was very involved, with a lot of hand assembling required for each stamp. Perhaps after submission I could experiment with creating silicone stamps using these as the moulds but for now I don’t think, as part of this submission, they are worthwhile exploring further.